My Mindset As I Prepare To Launch A Big New Offering In My Business
As of this episode going live I will be just 5 days away from officially opening the doors to my new flagship group program, Your Simple & Spacious Business.
This will be the biggest thing I’ve ever launched in the eight years of running my business so far.
I’m pouring everything I’ve learned from supporting hundreds of my clients in bringing more ease and freedom and intentional growth into their business into this program and I can honestly say I have never felt more excited to bring something to life in my business.
And, also, launching something like this has also been a lot of work too.
I’ve built out a members website, I’ve created a new opt-in, I’ve been doing a behind the scenes video series for my email list the past few months leading up to the launch, I’ve been bringing to life the first coaching session for the program, I started this podcast, and then I also have all of the sales emails to write and welcome sequence to set up and yeah, it’s taken a lot for me to get to this place where I am very soon going to be opening up its doors and welcoming in the first members.
And the funny thing is that so much of the work I’ve had to do these past few months and especially right now as I am very close to launch day is in my mindset.
Because taking up space in our business, launching new offers and putting our lights on and selling can trigger a whole lot of fear and scarcity thinking and self-doubt.
And I’ve been doing this long enough now to know that it’s normal and to be expected and that it’s my job to lead myself through these fears and doubts so that I can continue to show up, do this work, and follow through on the plan that I’ve made for myself with this offer.
So today I want to share with you my mindset as I prepare to go into a two week launch window next week and how I am supporting myself to both show up and give this launch my version of 100% and also not spiral into unhelpful thoughts and scarcity thinking too.
My first mindset is that good enough is a good enough place to start.
If I demanded perfection from myself with this first enrolment of Your Simple & Spacious business I would never have got to this place where I will very soon be opening it’s doors. Perfection isn’t possible, we have to show up, start with good enough and let it grow and become from there. I am super proud of this first version of this program while also knowing that a year from now I’m going to love it even more because I’ll have had more time to live in it and nurture it and discover how best to deliver it too.
This is something I’m always encouraging my clients with too because I see time and time again how the pressure we can put on ourselves to be ten steps ahead of where we actually are right now holds us back from actually making meaningful progress in our business. We have to start where we are, let good enough be good enough, and enjoy the journey of gaining deeper clarity, confidence, and insight in our business along the way too.
My second mindset that I’m embracing is that the main goal of the first launch is just to launch.
I have had the idea for Your Simple & Spacious Business for a year now, it came to me last spring and I pencilled it in to launch this spring so it’s been a long time coming to get to this point. And this isn’t something I’m just launching to see how it goes and deciding from there if it’s going to become part of my business moving forward or not, instead I really believe that Your Simple & Spacious Business is meant to be the heart of my work moving forward and I want to be delivering this for years to come and I’m so excited to have built this framework as a new way to be of service to my audience.
And if you’re wondering what this new program even is? Your Simple & Spacious Business is a 12 month group coaching program for online business owners who want to bring more freedom, ease, and intentional growth into your work.
There will be monthly coaching sessions which will be delivered in a pre-recorded video and workbook, there’s also a vault with access to all of my programs and products and courses like The Slow Lane, Coaches Who Thrive, my audio coaching packs and more, and then I’m also adding a new resource to the vault each quarter so coming up this year is The Money Mindset Toolkit, The Simple & Spacious Business Audio Coaching Packs, and access to another new program I’m creating this summer all about creating a 1:many scalable offering from your client work. And not just that there is also monthly office hours where I can dig deep into wherever you’re feeling stuck or in need of some guidance and encouragement, also quarterly live planning calls to help you feel focused and on track, and then finally a private Slack community where we can cheer each other on and this is where I will be sharing members only behind the scenes of my business journey too.
And my favourite thing about this offer is that it is lifetime pricing, so you pay for just one year and then you never pay again but continue to get access to everything inside the program.
And all of this is housed within a members only website and really Your Simple & Spacious Business is where I’m pouring everything I’ve learned from my own business journey these past 8 years and supporting hundreds of my clients to thrive in theirs so I can support even more people but in a really fun, intimate, community-centred way.
So hopefully that gives you a little insight into what I’m actually talking about here. So back to this mindset of the main goal of this first launch just being to actually launch, this is really helping me to root into the long term vision for this offer. Because I actually have no idea how this launch is going to go, it’s a brand new offer and I’ve never launched something like this before. I have just 30 spots available for this first launch and what’s really awesome is I have already sold some through the pre-sale so I am going into the public launch knowing there will be some awesome humans to welcome on into the program but at this point I have no idea how many more spots I will sell and if I’ll book out this first launch and nothing good comes from me obsessing over that outcome because all I can do is show up, give this launch 100%, see what happens and prioritise creating an awesome experience for the new members who do decide to join.
Creating the infrastructure for this offer - the members website, the vault, the coaching sessions, the slack community - that is the most important thing here for this first launch as now it’s built I can live in it and deliver it and let it grow from there. I have big long term goals for this offer but I have to start where I am and let it build up to those at an organic and steady pace.
And this kind of leads in perfectly to my third mindset which is the intersection of low expectations and endless possibilities.
There’s this really beautiful in-between space in business, where low expectations and endless possibilities meet. Because it is both true that this could be a really slow first launch and that it could book out and be a wildly first successful launch too. And I kind of love that in-between space, the surrender that comes with not holding too tightly onto high expectations and the hopefulness and curiosity that comes with knowing the possibilities of what something can become are endless too.
Because in the long run what Your Simple & Spacious Business creates for me is a scalable offering that doesn’t demand more of my energy and time as it grows and the endless possibilities of that really inspire me in my business, while also knowing that things take time and nothing magical happens overnight either.
My fourth mindset: where would I love this offer to be a year from now?
I can see my answer to this so clearly, the magic I want to help facilitate in the members journey’s, the relationships I want to build and hold space for within the community, the resources I want to create within the program, and the potential for more ease and growth and fulfilment in my own business too.
When I root into this I have such a mindset of abundance going into this launch, seeing all of the long term possibilities and knowing deep in my gut that so much magic is going to happen here with this offer and I just have to show up and go on this beautiful journey together with it.
So often we can obsess so much about the current moment that we forget to really intentionally sow long term seeds in our business and I’ve been doing this long enough now to know that it’s those long term seeds that consistently bloom for many more seasons ahead to come.
And finally the last mindset I’m embracing is that I get to make putting my lights on and selling fun.
I have a lot of sales email scheduled, I have IG posts I’m going to share around the launch, shout outs on this podcast, there’s going to be a lot of selling in my business these next couple of weeks and past me would probably be feeling really intimidated by that and ashamed even of taking up this space but I’ve launched enough things now and sold enough things that I know that selling is actually just a wonderful way to invite people to go deeper into our work as and when the time is right for them.
And I really believe in this offer and I also really trust in my audience’s ability to know if it’s right for them right now too - I’m not going into this launch with any desires to persuade or convince someone to buy from me I’m just going to share what this offer is and make invitations to join. I want to enjoy this launch, it’s been almost a year in the making since I conceptualised this offer and I really love what I’ve built and I can’t wait to share it and welcome people in.
So I’m leaving any shame and self-consciousness about selling at the door because I want to show up and give this launch 100% and also I trust and know that the way I will sell this will be human and sleaze-free and I just want to enjoy the process.
And of course I’m going to have wobbles, that comes with the territory. But I don’t want to be stuck in a cycle of obsessively checking my inbox to see if someone has bought or checking how many people have unsubscribed from my newsletter. I just want to go into this launch as steady as possible, trusting in the offer, trusting that this first launch is just the starting point, and also being proud of myself for building and launching it in the first place.
And honestly, I’m just so excited to launch this. I really love this offer and really believe that it’s here to do some beautiful work in the world and I just can’t wait to welcome people in.
And I share all of this in the hopes that this offers up some mindset shifts for you too if you’re embarking on a launch soon and are feeling all the fears and doubts and overwhelm. See how you can lean into more joy and trust and ease with your launch, find your own version of that intersection between low expectations and endless possibilities and keep your eye on the bigger picture and why behind your launch too.
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